Mekong Kayaks Liability Waiver Agreement
We’d like to thank you for your patience but you need to read this first before booking an adventure activity. It’s a legal document and you are unable to book and participate in a Mekong Kayaks tour without you first having read, understood and confirmed this Liability Waiver and the Terms and Conditions agreements, and that you have travel/medical insurance.
NB: If you arrive at the river without travel insurance you cannot go on the tour, you are not eligible for a refund, and you could be marooned there for several days at your own cost, until alternative transport to Luang Prabang can be found.
Before confirming this Agreement, please take your time to read and understand it. Like many adventure sports there are risks associated with river cruises, kayaking and mountain biking especially in remote areas. It’s important that you carefully consider and understand them.
- The minimum age for participation in Mekong Kayaks’ kayaking activities is 18. All persons aged 16 and 17 must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian on a kayaking or mountain biking tour. This guardian assumes all legal responsibility for them when confirming this Waiver of Liability, and Terms and Conditions agreements on their behalf.
- I understand that once my booking is confirmed, it cannot be transferred or assigned to another participant.
- I understand that there are risks involved with kayaking, mountain biking, river transportation and staying in a river village, and I acknowledge the risks and possible dangers of participating in a tour such as this. I fully assume the personal responsibility associated with such participation and my well-being during the tour.
- I certify that I have travel/medical insurance which covers me for cruises, kayaking and mountain biking, along with home-stay in a village and road and river transportation to and from the venues.
- I agree to follow my guide’s instructions and to comply with the Terms & Conditions of the tour (see Mekong Kayaks Terms & Conditions ). It is possible situations may arise during the trip, which may be beyond the immediate control of Mekong Kayaks’ staff, guides, subcontractors or independent villagers. Under such conditions I agree to participate in a manner that does not endanger either myself or others on the tour.
- In the event of an accident due to the isolation of the area, professional medical support may not be immediately contactable or readily available to render assistance. I consent to receiving first aid which may be necessary in the event of illness or injuries suffered by me during the tour.
- I agree to assume the risk of any harm arising from the negligence, reckless conduct or breach of warranties of Mekong Kayaks, its owners, officers, employees, guides, travel agents and sub-contractors.
- I agree to release from liability and waive any and all claims for physical injury, illness and/or property loss or damage that I may have against Mekong Kayaks, its owners, officers, employees, travel agents, guides, villagers and sub contractors contemplated by this agreement, resulting from their:
- Negligent failure to assist, negligent advice or negligent conduct, including negligence while performing any first aid required, as the result of an accident or illness.
- Negligence while in boats, vehicles or on bicycles owned or rented by Mekong Kayaks
- Negligence for any loss or damage to my property, whether carried in a kayak, riverboat, support boat, van, tuk-tuk or while staying in a village
- Negligence for any extra costs arising from unforeseen complications for any reason during the tour and overnight stays in the villages
- Mekong Kayaks nor any other parties associated with the tour accepts no responsibility financial or otherwise for any accident, injuries, death, illness, medical care and/or hospitalization that might be sustained by me; damage, loss, delay, theft, or any other party directly or indirectly associated with me, strikes, protests, changes in itinerary, refusal of entry by immigration authorities, and possession of unlawful items, that may be caused to any person(s) or property. Any losses & expenses are my sole responsibility.
I have read and fully understand this Waiver of Liability contract for Mekong Kayaks and also its Terms and Conditions agreement. I understand that I have given up substantial rights including the right to sue, by signing it and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement, and agree to all the terms set forth in this waiver.
Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Name: _____________________________________________ Passport No: ________________
For a Parent or Guardian signing on behalf of children aged 16 and seventeen. The minimum age for participating in our kayaking adventures is 16. If over 16, but under 18, a parent or guardian must confirm this waiver on their behalf.
This is to certify that I, as parent or guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above, and for myself, my heirs, and successors, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Mekong Kayaks, its owners, officers, employees, guides, travel agents and sub-contractors from any and all liability incidents to my minor child’s involvement in these tours as provided above. I have explained to them that this tour may expose them to some risk, and to take care at all times.
Signed: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Name: ______________________________________________ Passport No: _______________________
On behalf of: ______________________________ Relationship to Signatory: _______________________
On behalf of: ______________________________ Relationship to Signatory: _______________________